Monday, April 24, 2017

10 Things to Consider Before Renovating Your Bathroom

A bathroom has to address the needs of the homeowners. If not, then the design is not effective and might even need to be changed. But one has to think a lot of times before jumping into renovation because it entails some costs and time, too. One would be spending much on some renovations depending on what needs to be replaced and fixed. One has to know what he really wants for a comfortable bathroom in order to determine the work process that needs to be done.


Also, the homeowner has to be realistic and practical with the renovation. Do not renovate if there is not a need to do it. If one has firmly decided to do the renovation, then the tips below would surely be helpful. Take a look at our tips below so you can be guided on how you can renovate your bathroom.

1. Draw Out Your Plan

Of course, you always need to plan first before you start renovating. You just can’t go inside your bathroom and repair stuff even if they do not need to be repaired or replaced. Look into your bathroom and take note of what needs to be changed or fixed and what needs to be added. This can give you a list of what to do and what to buy. Without proper planning, you might just end up wasting money and time.

2. Look Into Your Budget

Now that you have your renovation plans, it is time for you to make your budget. You cannot just buy stuff without looking into how much you can afford. If you have budgeted at first, you will be able to know the cost of your renovation. You will be able to prepare for it and allocate money for it. Also, you will know what to items to buy.

3. Use Space Smartly

If your current bathroom doesn’t have enough storage areas and some stuff are just left cluttered, then it would be wise for you to add a storage space. You can make use of the space between wall studs by placing recessed cabinets to the wall. Use vertical storage to save floor space.

4. Check Your Floor And Wall Tiles

Look into your flooring and wall tiles. If there are parts that have cracks, then replace the tiles. You can match your new tiles to the existing ones. Or you can also replace some of it and do some creative tiling to make it look a lot better. You do not need to replace everything if some if it are still good but if you want to, you can also change your entire flooring. You can use ceramic tiles or marble for these materials are durable even if they get wet.

5. Place A Stylish Mirror

One way to enhance the look of your bathroom is by placing stylish mirrors. Your bathroom will not be complete without that. Replace your old mirror and place one that could make your bathroom look visually bigger and brighter. Mount that to your wall just above the sink.

6. Wisely Check Your Fixtures

If you have seen that some fixtures also needs to be changed, then go look for ones that are durable and pleasing in appearance. You can place a pedestal sink with good lines than using squarish vanity. You may also need to replace your faucets. Choose a faucet that looks good and functions well, too. Do not replace existing fixtures with the same items because it won’t give your bathroom a new look and it might also be ruined at once.

7. Check Your Paint

Aside from the flooring, take look at the paint in your bathroom. If it already needs repainting, then do that. But we strongly advice that if you are to renovate your bathroom, do the paint as well. You could change the color of the bathroom or maybe just add some accent to it.

8. Place Good Lighting

One would not want to have a bathroom that is dark. So, be sure that you have good lighting. You can place wall scones near the mirrors so one can just use it without turning on the fluorescent or the circular lamps. You can also install dimmers in the bathroom to provide an option for the users.

9. Add Some Plants

Part of your renovation is to create a better ambiance inside the bathroom. You can do that by adding some plants. You do not have to place so many plants. You can place only one or two. Just be sure that it won’t be eating up a lot of space. This can surely add a refreshing feel into the bathroom.

10. Add Some Stuff

If you have a large bathroom, you can add some items into it. Like, you can have a seating area, a television, more cabinets, or even a spa. It depends on your needs. But if your bathroom is small, you can still add some accessories and decorations that will make it look better. Maybe a framed art work can be good or a vase of flowers.

A bathroom renovation is done after good planning. Without good planning, everything might not work out well. So, see to it that before you purchase stuff, you have actually checked into your bathroom on what needs to be done. Aside from renovating, you might also want to know some tips on bathroom 101

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