Friday, June 2, 2017

12 Beautiful Duplex Apartment Decoration Ideas Which You Will Love

A duplex is not just a two-storey apartment, but a whole new world of decorating possibilities. Check out these beautiful ideas you can consider for your duplex.

1. Spiral Staircase

If space is a concern in your duplex, a spiral staircase is a must-have. Spirals take up very little space and you can choose a design that matches your style.


2. Build a Crazy Slide

Sure, having a slide in your house could raise some eyebrows but does waking up and sliding down to breakfast sound fun to you? Of course it does.


3. Black and White Chic

Always dependable, the black and white look is timeless.


4. The Downstairs Office

Well, it’s actually under the stairs. Make good use of the space under your duplex stairs with a small cozy home office.


5. Futuristic Angles

With a duplex, you potentially have more ceiling and wall space to play around with. That means more room for futuristic lights and angled patterns.


6. Windows All Around

If you’re not a stickler for privacy, a high-ceilinged living room with full glass walls would help create an amazing view of the outside world.


7. Take Advantage of That High Ceiling

If your duplex layout has room a high ceiling space, use that space! Some chandeliers or a tall mirror would add a lot to the ambience.


8. Artistic Wall Paintings

Impress your guests with your artistic tastes. How about a tall two-floor high painting?


9. Low Mezzanine Area

If you have extra space, a low mezzanine area would be a good place for activities, or just hanging out.


10. Glass Staircase

Add a touch of class with a glass staircase and railings. Transparent surfaces also help give the illusion of more space in your duplex apartment.


11. Separate Living Space and Work Space

Sometimes life gets in the way of work, and vice versa. How about creating some separation between your work life and your home life? Go up to the 2nd floor when you need to really focus on work.


12. Hanging Stairs

These stairs seemingly hang from the ceiling, giving a somewhat magical feeling when you walk on them.


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