Saturday, July 23, 2016

A Golden Night

Furthering the evolution and development of the film industry in the country, Malaysia 1st International Film Festival and Golden Global Awards (MGGA) is set to promote local and international film production, taking Malaysian films to the next level with the country’s very first international film festival and awards night.


Spearheaded by a group of influential and outstanding individuals from Malaysia, Taiwan and Hong Kong, the event is expected to see participation from 16 countries. The international film festival is co-organised by Malaysia’s National Film Delveopment Corporation (FINAS) and is supported by the Ministry of Tourism and Culture Malaysia. In order to ensure a spectacular and successful festival for film enthusiasts, the organisers have sought the guidance of Mr Wen Tien Hsiang, the CEO of the Taiwan Golden Horse Film Festival and Awards, one of the largest and most prestigious event in the film industry as the main advisor of the Malaysia 1st International Film Festival and Golden Global Awards. An extensive line up of renowned producers, directors and artistes will also be present such as film industry personalities Mr Xie Fei and Mr Zeng Nian Qun who will serve as advisors to the international level film event.


During the festival, a variety of local and international films in various languages from participating countries will be screened at selected cinemas. These films will highlight and showcase the creative achievements of acclaimed film makers from all over the world. In addition, the organisers aim to maximise cultural and creative exchange among fellow cineastes through forums and experience sharing sessions that will be held during the festival.


The Malaysia International Film Festival will run from February 24th 2017 to March 4th 2017 at Nu Sentral Shopping Mall while the Malaysia Golden Global Awards Night will take place on March 5th at Arena of Stars, Genting Highlands.

For more information visit:

The post A Golden Night appeared first on Malaysia Interior Design, Home-living Magazine.

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